This project was really interesting and overall, I am very happy with how mine turned out. I am glad I got to learn a little bit about Adobe Audition and the different perspectives on what music and sound is. This project was challenging in the sense that I had a limited number of sounds to work with. I attempted to capture a creepy atmosphere for the first three minutes of my composition, which was hard because I had to take the noises that were available to me and use them in a way that seemed eerie and creepy.
The story I was attempting to tell with my sound composition, based on the feedback I received, was unfortunately not explicitly clear and got confusing. I admit that there are a lot of aspects of my composition that could be improved upon, but seeing as this is the first time I have created anything like this, I think I did a decent job.

The general story of my project is as follows: You are in a dark and creepy place and attempt to light a match but fail. Unknown footsteps approach and get louder, so you hop into your car to try to drive away. You end up in a dark area with flowing water, where other sounds, such as a door creaking and objects banging, could be heard. You find yourself at a door and open it to a crowd of people speaking backwards. The dream becomes overwhelming, and you wake up to a normal day and get ready.
While not everything was communicated as clearly as it could be, I think I did a good job capturing the vibes I was going for with the resources I had available. Overall, I am happy with my soundscape project.
I have linked my SoundCloud with my composition below as well as an image of my work environment encompassing the entire track.
